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Intimate Care and Toileting Policy

Our intimate care and toileting policy can be viewed below
Our intimate care and toileting policy can be viewed below

Click here to download our Intimate Care and Toileting policy


At Newington Green Primary School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.

We are committed to ensuring that all staff responsible for intimate care of children and young people will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times.

We are committed to ensuring that children are treated with sensitivity and respect.


What is ‘Intimate care’

Intimate care is defined as any care which involves washing, touching or carrying out an invasive procedure that most children and young people carry out for themselves, but which some are too young to or are unable to do.

Intimate care tasks are associated with bodily functions, body products and personal hygiene that demands direct or indirect contact with, or contact with intimate personal areas. Examples include support with dressing and undressing (underwear), changing incontinence pads and nappies, helping someone use the toilet or washing intimate parts of the body, cleaning a pupil who has soiled him/herself or vomited. It is also associated with other accidents that may require a child to remove their clothes. These include changes required as a result of water play, messy play, sickness and weather. Very young or disabled pupils may be unable to meet their own care needs for a variety of reasons and will require regular support.



It is generally expected that most children will be toilet trained and out of nappies before they begin at school or nursery. However, we recognise that children will join Newington Green Primary school, having reached differing levels of independence and development in toileting and self-care. Therefore, it is inevitable that from time to time some children will have accidents and need to be attended to. In addition to this, an increasing number of children and young people with disabilities and medical conditions are being included in mainstream settings. A significant number of these pupils require adult assistance for their personal and intimate care needs.

In order to help the children to become aware of their bodily needs and respond to them in time, those who wish to go to the toilet are always allowed to go. Although they are encouraged as they progress through the school to use the toilet during break times.

Children in the EYFS have access to the toilet whenever they need to and are encouraged to be as independent as is age and developmentally appropriate. They are reminded at regular times to go to the toilet and are also encouraged to wash their hands after the toilet.


Role of Newington Green staff

Nursery staff have access to a bathroom area with a toilet and hand basin with access to warm water. There is also a stock of baby wipes, plastic bags and disposable protective gloves for staff to use. If a child soils him/herself during school time, one member of the EYFS staff (teacher, nursery nurse, practitioner, meals supervisor) will help the child:

  • Remove their soiled clothes
  • Clean skin (this usually includes bottom, genitalia, legs, feet)
  • Dress in the child’s own clothes or those provided by the school
  • Wrap soiled clothes in plastic bags and give to parents to take home.

At all times the member of staff pays attention to the level of distress and comfort of the child. If the child is ill the member of staff will telephone the parent/carer.

In the event a child is reluctant and finally refuses, the parent/carer will be contacted immediately.

Our intention is that the child will never be left in soiled clothing, but as soon as a member of staff is aware of the situation, she/he will clean the child. The member of staff responsible will check the child regularly and ensure that he/she is clean before leaving to go home.

It is intended that the child will not experience any negative disciplining, but only positive encouragement and praise for his/her endeavours to master this necessary skill. It is always our intention to avoid drawing attention to such events and positively to encourage the child in his/her efforts to gain these skills.

 Guidance for intimate care needs over and above accidents.

The management of all children with intimate care needs will be carefully planned.


Where specialist equipment and facilities above that currently available in the school are required, every effort will be made to provide appropriate facilities in a timely fashion, following assessment by a Physiotherapist and/or Occupational Therapist.


There is careful communication with any pupil who requires intimate care in line with their preferred means of communication to discuss needs and preferences.


Staff will be supported to adapt their practice in relation to the needs of individual children taking into account developmental changes such as the onset of puberty and menstruation.


Pupils will be supported to achieve the highest level of independence possible, according to their individual condition and abilities


Individual care plans will be drawn up for any pupil requiring regular intimate care.


Careful consideration will be given to individual situations to determine how many adults should be present during intimate care procedures. Where possible, one pupil will be cared for by one adult unless there is a sound reason for having more adults present. In such a case, the reasons will be documented.


Intimate care arrangements will be discussed with parents/carers and recorded on the care plan.


The needs and wishes of children and parents will be taken into account wherever possible, within the constraints of staffing and equal opportunities legislation.


Child Protection

Child Protection and Multi-Agency Child Protection procedures will be adhered to at all times.

All members of staff carrying out intimate care procedures have enhanced DBS. Students should only do so under the supervision of a trained member of staff. It is not appropriate for volunteers to carry out intimate care procedures.

If a child makes an allegation about a member of staff, this will be investigated in accordance with agreed procedures.



The Governing Body recognises its duties and responsibilities in relation to the Disability Discrimination Act which requires that any child with an impairment that affects his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities must not be discriminated against.


Role of parents/carers

Parents/carers should give permission for intimate care as children enter Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The permission slips are kept on record. All staff are informed of those children where no permission is given.

Where a child has continuing incontinence problems (including children beyond EYFS), parents are expected to provide a complete set of spare clothes and baby-wipes.

Reviewed: May 2015

Download Permission form for Intimate Care and Toileting