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Teaching and Learning

Learning is our core purpose. Here we outline why it is so important.
Learning is our core purpose. Here we outline why it is so important.

The policy for teaching and learning is the core policy of the school and informs the best classroom practice. It was written as a result of developments in our practice and is owned by the staff team. It is based on our current understanding of recent research. Members of the staff team are expected to refer to it frequently and use it to help evaluate and change practice to ensure the best provision for our children.

The nature and quality of classroom practice is the single most important school factor in determining pupil’s achievement, which lies directly within our control as professionals and as a school.

Our children come from a rich variety of backgrounds.  This is a key strength of our school. We also recognise that we serve a community with significant challenges and needs.  Our staff shares a moral commitment to improving the life chances of our children, and giving them an excellent education which will make a defining difference in their lives.  In recognising the unique challenges of serving our community we will:

  • Explicitly teach language skills in all lessons, explaining key vocabulary
  • Explicitly teach socials skills (including manners, giving compliments, managing emotions etc.)
  • Set high expectations and aspirations (including working with University partners)
  • Aim to prepare our children for being active citizens in the world through nurturing their talents

We aim to:

  • Raise the quality of learning and as a result improve standards
  • Provide clear guidance for teaching and learning ensuring consistency across the school
  • Enable the staff team to identify aspects of practice as part of their commitment to continual improvement
  • Provide a tool for monitoring, evaluation, school improvement and accountability
  • Support our commitment to equal opportunities and closing the gaps
  • Set out our expectations of best practice

Our school values underpin all decisions made in our school and define the way we carry out our daily work.

Aiming high: There is no ceiling on what can be achieved
Doing our best: There are no excuses for not doing your best
Caring for each other: We are honest and care about each other

Download our Teaching and Learning Policy

Download our Home learning policy