

If you are interested in admitting your child to Oak International School please read the following policy

Each applicant to Concordia is considered holistically based upon prior report cards, test scores and teacher recommendations.

Admission, Enrolment & Re-enrolment Procedures

Applications for Admission are accepted throughout the year in accordance with the published admission procedure. All applications to the school must be accompanied by previous school reports and/or records, any appropriate medical records, a birth certificate and any other documents required.

First Enrollment:

Parents wishing to enroll their children in Oak International School should arrange for an appointment through the school Secretariat for an initial orientation visit. School visits can be arranged through the Secretariat at any time.

The Enrollment form, duly filled out, must be handed in to the school Secretariat along with the requested documents.

Since class space is limited, a waiting pool will be created when a particular class has reached maximum capacity.

Parents signing the Enrollment Form must accept all school policies as well as the terms and conditions.

Students will be admitted to the classes specified in the table below if they turn the age indicated during the calendar year in which classes begin.

Age British National Curriculum French Curriculum
0 – 24 months Crèche Crèche
2 – 3 years Pre Nursery Pre Maternelle
3 – 4 years Nursery Maternelle 1
4 – 5 years Kindergarten Maternelle 2
5 – 6 years Grade 1 CI
6 – 7 years Grade 2 CP
7 – 8 years Grade 3 CE1
8 – 9 years Grade 4 CE2
9 – 10 years Grade 5 CM1
10 – 11 years Grade 6 CM2
All Ages After School Program Garderie

After the payment of the Registration fee, the Enrollment form will be given the student .

Within 7 (seven) days of presentation of the Enrollment Form, students wishing to enter Grades 1 to 5 will be asked to sit an entrance test designed to evaluate the student’s level in the following subjects: English, French and Mathematics.

The results of the tests will be discussed within 7 (seven) days during a meeting with the Head of School, the teachers and the family. The family will be informed whether the student has been admitted and to what grade.

The Enrolment Form and other required documents must be submitted accompanied by proof of payment of the annual “Registration Fee“, the “Health Insurance Fee“, as well as 10% of the Annual Tuition Fee, all of which are non-refundable.


Re-enrollment for returning students requires that families confirm a student will be enrolled in the coming year and submit a deposit to hold the seat.

Each April current families will receive an email from the Admissions Office, inviting them to re-enroll their students for the following academic year. Beginning April 1, any remaining open seats for the following academic year will be offered to incoming applicants.

The re-enrolment of a student will be considered valid only after the Enrolment Form, duly filled out and signed by the parents, has been handed in to the Secretariat along with the documents listed in the enclosures. The Enrolment Form must be accompanied by proof of payment of the annual “Registration Fee”, the “Health Insurance Fee” as well as 10% of the Annual Tuition Fee, all of which are non-refundable.

N.B.Enrolment and re-enrolment will be considered void and enrolment priority lost unless the aforementioned fees have been paid for and the Enrolment Form, duly filled out and signed, handed in to the Secretariat.

Wait Pool Priority

When a grade level has reached its enrollment capacity, the applicant will be placed in a wait pool. The admissions team will offer a seat to students as an opening becomes available. Parents should note that among equally qualified candidates, priority consideration (not automatic placement) is given to those with:

  • Siblings currently attending or applying to Oak International School
  • Those with good grades in their evaluation tests

Don't wait. Apply today !

Uniform Policy

All Grade Nursery through Grade 5 students are required to wear a school uniform.

Technology Requirements

Students entering Grade 5 through Grade 6 are required to have their own laptop computer for dedicated usage at school.