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Behaviour Policy

Our Behaviour Policy can be viewed below
Our Behaviour Policy can be viewed below

Download Behaviour policy 2016


Our behaviour policy intends to develop positive behaviours so that everyone sees themselves as part of a happy learning community.

We have very high expectations concerning behaviour and hope to develop children’s understanding of the impact of choices they make, whether positive or negative.

Good behaviour and achievement is not automatically learned.  Instead, positive behaviours must be modelled, explained, taught, supported and recognised. This is delivered through PHSCE lessons, circle time and SEAL assemblies. At the beginning of the week the assembly will set the focus for the week. This can then be followed up in circle time in class.

We aim to start each day off on a positive note through being a welcoming face to children and parents/carers on the playground and by being punctual. Children are expected to be lined-up and ready for learning by 8.55 so that teachers are ready to start learning in classrooms at 9.00.

 School Expectations:

Newington Green Primary School uses the system of ‘Green Expectations’.

The expectations are designed to focus on positive action rather than what children should not do.  The expectations are agreed actions so that there is consistency and fairness in all areas of school life.

However, as an inclusive school we recognise that all children are individuals with specific needs.  Therefore, within this consistent approach is an element of flexibility to address the needs of specific children. The ‘Green Expectations’ are displayed in all classrooms, the halls and in both playgrounds. Everyone is responsible for behaviour of all children and adults should reinforce the rules whenever appropriate.

Green Expectations:

Aiming high.

1. Learn to the best of your ability

Doing our best.

2. Listen respectfully

3. Try, try again

Caring for each other.

4. Be kind, helpful and gentle

5. Be honest and responsible

6. Stay safe and care for people and property


Our community’s responsibilities:

  • We are all responsible for ‘facilitating the learning of all children’:

The school aims:

  •  To provide a safe and happy environment for learning.
  • To provide a challenging and engaging curriculum.
  • To ensure we value and celebrate children’s learning and behaviour.
  • To understand the needs of all children and to respond appropriately.
  • We will treat all children fairly and consistently.
  • We will communicate with each other (TA, teacher, SLT, parent) to help support children’s learning and behavioural needs.
  • We will actively teach children to make positive choices.
  • We will give all children the chance of a new start throughout the day and everyday.
  • We will celebrate success.
  • We will maintain, support and promote the high expectations we have of children’s behaviour and learning.
  • We will make time to listen to children.
  • We will use language that supports positive behaviour (choices) rather than judgmental language.


The ‘Stay on Green’ System:

The system is designed so:

  • That all children have the opportunity to make positive choices about their behaviour and influence outcomes.
  • Children who regularly meet and go beyond the school’s ‘Green Expectations’ are recognised and celebrated.
  • Teachers integrate a consistent system within daily teaching in order to promote positive behaviours.
  • Develop effective behaviour management skills.

How it works:

  • In the class/provision (e.g Breakfast Club (BC or After School Club ASC) there is a prominent ‘Stay on Green’ display.
  • On this display, all children have a pocket with their name on it.
  • Each day, or start of each session(if BC or ASC), children start with a green card in their pocket.
  • If children make positive individual choices they are celebrated by placing a silver, then gold card.
  • At the end of each day, a text message is sent to parents of those children that have received a gold card.
  • In After School Club, parents will not receive a text, however parents can check the chart when they collect their child/ren and get feedback from the key worker if needed.
  • If children make negative individual choices they are given a warning, if this behaviour continues the child is given a  yellow card and placed on ’5 minutes time-out’ in class or the BC ASC provision. After that time the child is invited back to the lesson/session and encouraged to continue to make positive choices.
  • Should the negative behaviour continue after the child has had a ‘time out’ in class/provision, the teacher/adult in charge will give another warning to the pupil and encourage them to make the right choice. If the pupil continues to misbehave then they will receive a red card and be sent to a partner class for ’10 minutes time-out’. In the case of BC or ASC, this will be a designated time out area, where safe supervision can take place.
  • There are a number of behaviours which are deemed severe enough for an automatic red card (even if the pupil had been on green/silver/gold). These include: leaving a classroom without permission, throwing objects, spitting, repeatedly answering back or being rude, destroying the work of other children, lying, chewing gum in school and using mobiles in school etc.
  • Purple cards should only be used for serious behaviour incidents or when a child is not able to make appropriate choices after a red card. Purple card behaviour includes: fighting, stealing, swearing at another person, and deliberate dangerous behaviour such as throwing objects at others, racist/homophobic comments and ignoring adult instructions so that a pupil is causing a health and safety risk to themselves or others. If a pupil gets a purple card in class, the teacher should send two pupils to the office, with an explanation of what has happened, to request a member of SLT come to the class and remove the pupil.  A member of SLT will come to remove the pupil from class and the pupil will spend 30 minutes out of class. In some serious cases, the pupil may not go back to class. The Class teacher must record the incident in the purple book so there is a written record. The pupil will then attend detention for the required number of days.
  • If a purple card is issued on the playground, the senior MMS will bring the pupil to detention and write the incident up in the purple book. If the pupil refuses to come then a member of SLT will be sent for.
  • The system allows children to reflect on their actions, attitudes, behaviours and if behaviours change (e.g. to be more positive) then they can move back towards green (and then towards gold).
  • In Golden assembly on Friday, all children who have not received a red or purple card that week are entered into a draw where one child per year group will win a prize for consistently following green expectations.

How it works in Breakfast(BC) and After school Club(ASC):

Children begin session on Green.  Whatever colour children are on in BC is not transferred to class.  Children always start BC or ASC on green.

‘Green time’ will be a special reward discussed with the children each week, for example an activity they would like to do. There will be a weekly draw, as in school for all pupils who have not been on red or purple- positive reward.

There are sandtimers for children to manage the time out process.  A designated time out area will be known to children for red cards.

The Head of the BC or ASC will always deal with Purple card incidents and report this to parents.  Time out will be managed by the Head of provision, and a discussion will take place about the behaviour, reflecting on The Green Expectations. Records will be kept of these incidents and information shared with parents.

After 3 purple card incidents, the Head of BC or ASC will meet parents to discuss a behavior plan and set targets.

In the table below please read class teacher as BC or ASC worker, and SLT as Head of the BC or ASC. Text messages will not be sent for this provision, as parents collect or drop off daily, so there is daily contact between parents and staff.


Behaviour   Card Action Who   involved?
Gold Gold   text message sent home. Class   teacher.SLT.OfficeTeacher   record filled out
Silver Praise   given in class Class   teacher.
Green Children   have 30 minutes Green Time each week.Praise   given in class Class   teacher provides planned ‘Green Time’ session for 30 minutes.
Warning Child   is reminded of Green Expectations.    Appropriate time given for child to address behaviour. Adult   in class.
Yellow Child   must move away from main class group    to time out area for 5 minutesPupil   is expected to listen to teacher during this time but not join in. Class   teacher.
Warning As   above
Red Child   is sent with their learning or reflection sheet to ‘Partner Class’ for 10   minutes reflection time.After   this time, child returns to class.    Teacher welcomes back positively and reminds child of ‘Green   Expectations’.  Child moves back to   Green.Child   is given opportunity to join class and address behaviour.5   minutes off ‘Green Time’Office   sends Red text home.Teacher   record filled out.Two reds in   one day -child gets purple card and detention.  Class   teacherBuddy   class teacher.SLT.Parent/CarerTeacher   record filled out
Warning As   above
Purple Is   sent in an emergency or if a child refuses to follow adult instruction at red   card level.If   child refuses to go, class teacher will send two pupils to SLT/Office with   purple card. Member of SLT will come and collect the child.Parental/Carer   involvement (letter, phone call, meeting) 1-2 days lunchtime detention :Year Rec –   Y2  – 1 day, Years 3 -6- 2 days,  Two purple   cards in one week in class time    (Monday – Friday) will result in an internal exclusion the next   day.  Class teacher will meet with   parents to inform and complete an internal exclusion form. Two purple   cards in a week from playground incidents will result in the child having a   playtime behaviour plan with agreed targets. OfficeSLTParent


3   purple cards in BC or ASC Head   of provision meet parents to discuss behavior plan and set targets Head   of BC ASC Head   of BC ASC
Sustained   pattern of purple behaviour over time in BC ASC Head teacher   and Head of BC and ASC meet parents Follow up   letter sent stating place is at risk if behaviour does not improve. Headteacher


Refusing to move:

If a child refuses to attend another class or move away from the main learning group, tactfully ignore, giving space and time to make appropriate choice, then if still refusing, give warning and move to next level.

Always keep children and adults safe.  Should the child continue to ignore instructions or behave in a way that is potentially harmful to themselves or others then two children should send for staff members who are trained in Team Teach to restrain the child. A list of trained staff is kept in the staff room and main school office.

School tokens

Green tokens are used on the playground to reward good behaviour. MMSs have overall responsibility for giving out tokens. However, Play Leaders (after completing their training) will be given a limited number of tokens as advised by senior MMSs. Children will put their token on the behaviour chart in class and will be praised by class teacher.

Each week in Golden assembly the child with the most tokens from each year group will be selected to attend ‘Golden Table’.

 Children with specific behavioural needs (SEN, BESN):

We recognise that some children have specific needs with regards to their behaviour.  For those identified with SEN BESN, the system may be altered and adapted to meet their needs.  They stand outside the policy according to their IEP/IBP which will indicate the actions planned to address and support their needs.

Sending for SLT:

When children have reached purple, the member of SLT is sent for. Always ensure the safety of children and staff.

Send two children with a Purple Card, explaining the reason why a child is being sent out, to the main office. SLT will attend.


We are an inclusive school and will work hard to develop strategies to include all children.  However, in extreme cases, the school will make exclusions to maintain the health and safety of all our community.


Internal exclusion will be at the discretion of SLT and will be in response to a culmination of behaviour incidents or extreme and serious single incidents.  Internal exclusions happen after 2 purple cards are issued in one week in class or if behaviour has been persistently unacceptable. The Class teacher must liaise with the teacher of the class the pupil is being sent to and set work for the day. Any pupil on internal exclusion will not be allowed out to play and must spend lunchtime in detention. You must advise Sue in the office of any internal exclusion so the appropriate letters and forms can be completed.

An example of internal exclusion would be: consistently on red behaviour. 


Only the Headteacher, Associate Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers can exclude children externally.  A decision to externally exclude will only be taken when all other possibilities and strategies have been made.

For more detailed information on exclusion please see our Exclusion Policy.

Trigger point Action By whom? Recorded
2   purple cards in week Internal   exclusion 1 day Class   teacher organise Leah   Ray – letter home
3   internal exclusions HT   to write letter to parents warning that child is at risk of external   exclusion, and offer a meeting with them Abi Abi   – letter home
2   external fixed term exclusions Governors   write to parents stating that pupil may be at risk of permanent exclusion. Governors Governors   letter home.

 Outside Class & Playground Positive behaviour management:

The principles of the ‘Stay on Green’ system will continue outside class and playground contexts.



  • SMMS have ultimate responsibility for lunchtime.
  • All adults are responsible for engaging with children through play and conversation.
  • All adults must be vigilant to address ‘tensions’ before they result in incidences.
  • All adults must deal with incidents appropriately following the principles discussed here.
  • All children will start their lunch on a green card.
  • Children must approach staff outside and not come into school.
  • Serious incidences will be referred to SLT and put in the purple book
  • If a child is not following the ’Green Expectations’ the adult will give a warning to them, if the behaviour continues the pupil will be sent to the ‘time-out’ area in the playground for 5 minutes and asked to complete a reflection sheet. After a conversation with the adult, the pupil will return to the playground on green.
  • Green tokens will be given for positive behaviour
  • Children must be listened to and incidents recorded properly


  • At morning playtime, all adults are responsible for engaging with children through play and conversation.
  • All adults must be vigilant to address ‘tensions’ before they result in incidences.
  • All adults must deal with incidents appropriately following the principles discussed here.
  • Children must approach staff outside and not come into school.
  • There will be a teacher on duty every playtime (see rota and whiteboard in staff room)
  • If a child is not following the ’Green Expectations’ the adult will give a warning to them, if the behaviour continues the pupil will be sent to the ‘time-out’ area in the playground for 5 minutes
  • In discussion with teacher on duty, staff will inform member of SLT on duty of serious incidences.
  • If behaviour poses a serious health and safety risk a child is sent to SLT with purple card.
  • All significant incidences must be reported to class teacher as they are collected from the playground
  • Green tokens will be given for positive behaviour 

Purple Book

The purple book records serious incidents such as fighting, swearing, being threatening or abusive to others, damaging property, stealing, racist incident, etc.  Entry into the purple book/purple card means a lunchtime detention with SLT. The number of days will be decided by the pupil’s year group (see table above). In daily business meeting staff will be informed who is on detention. Class teachers are expected to bring pupils to detention where they will complete a behaviour form, reflecting on the school rule they have broken.

Tea Party

Abi hosts a tea party every Friday during lunchtime for one child in each class who has shown exceptional behaviour or learning over the preceding week. The children will receive their invitation in Golden assembly, eat their lunch and then head to Abi’s office for a special treat!

Reviewed: July 2016