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Information Report on Special Educational Needs

Our Information Report on Special Educational Needs can be viewed below
Our Information Report on Special Educational Needs can be viewed below

Download our Newington Green Information Report 2016 -2017

Newington Green Primary School, like all schools in Islington, is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEN).

Our expectation is that children and young people with SEN will receive an education that enables them to make progress so that they:

  • achieve their best
  • become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
  • make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training

We will use our best endeavours to make sure that a pupil with SEN gets the

support they need – this means doing everything we can to meet the pupils special educational needs.


About this Information Report

This report answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the school and special educational needs. The format and information in this report has been developed through:

  • consultation with local parents and carers by Islington Council in April 2014
  • ongoing feedback from parents and carers and school staff at Newington Green Primary School.

We will review and update this information report regularly to reflect changes and feedback. The date for the next annual review of this report is September 2017.

If you need any more information please see our SEN Policy or contact contact Helen Bennett (Our  Head of School – Achievement and Inclusion) on 0207 3543092


Frequently Asked Questions

1.    What kinds of Special Educational Needs (SEN) does the school cater for? 

Newington Green Primary School is a mainstream primary school and welcomes children and young people with SEN in one or more of the following areas:

  • Communication and interaction

e.g. speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Asperger’s Syndrome

  •  Cognition and learning

e.g. Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD) global developmental delay, dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia,  profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)

  •  Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH)

e.g. attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), depression, eating disorders, attachment disorder

  • Sensory and/or physical needs

e.g. vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) or Cerebral Palsy (CP) epilepsy {Note – the building is/is not fully accessible to pupils with mobility difficulties. See section 6}

  • Medical needs

Where pupils have medical needs and special educational needs, we will plan and deliver education provision in a co-ordinated way with their healthcare plan if they have one. We will also follow the statutory guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.


2.    What are the school’s policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with special educational needs (SEN)?

All of our teachers teach children with SEN. All of our staff recognise the importance of identifying SEN early and making effective provision quickly. The identification and assessment of SEN is built into the schools approach to monitoring the progress of all pupils.


We assess each pupil’s skills and levels of attainment when they first come to the school. This builds on the information from the child’s previous early years or school where appropriate, and  provides us with information we need to monitor their progress. It also ensures that we discover any areas of difficulty early on. Where children already have their SEN diagnosed or identified we will work closely with the family and our partners to make sure we know as much as possible about the child before they start at the school.

Teachers are supported by the Senior Leadership Team to regularly assess pupils’ progress. This helps us to see any pupils whose progress:

  •  is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
  • fails to match or better their previous rate of progress
  • fails to close the attainment gap between them and their peers

Where assessments show that a child is not making adequate progress, our first response is to make sure there is high quality teaching in place.  Making high quality teaching normally available to the whole class is likely to mean that fewer pupils will require additional support.

If their progress continues to be slower than expected the teacher will work with the family and the SENCO to carry out a clear analysis of the child’s needs and identify if they need additional support. There can be many reasons why a child doesn’t make the progress expected of them – perhaps there has been a significant change in family circumstances such as a new baby, a move of home, or the death of a relative. Or perhaps because they have a special educational need.

The school uses a range of different assessment tools and systems to help identify and assess pupils with SEN. The tools and assessments gradually draw upon more frequent reviews and more specialist expertise to understanding SEN and match interventions to the SEN of pupils. They are summarised in the diagram below:

When considering if a child needs SEN support the school takes into account :

  • the pupil’s previous progress and attainment
  • the teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil
  • the pupil’s development in comparison to their peers and national data
  • the views and experience of parents
  • the pupil’s own views
  • advice from external support services, where appropriate

Further information is set out in our SEN Policy.


3.    What are the school’s policies for making provision for pupils with special educational needs (SEN), whether or not pupils have Education Health and Care Plans?

Most of our pupils with SEN have their needs met as part of high quality teaching. This may include teachers adapting what they do and having different approaches to meet different learning styles, personalised learning arrangements for different pupils and a range of interventions normally provided by the school.

If a pupil is identified (through the assessment process above) as having special educational needs  their teacher and SENCO will consider everything we know about the pupil to determine the support that they need and whether it can be provided by adapting the school’s core offer or whether something different or additional is required.

Where provision for SEN is needed, we work with pupils and their families to plan what to do. This usually includes writing a plan of action using one of the SEN planning tools we have available to use. The tools we use are summarised below.

SEN Support


Provision Mapping: A document that is used to capture targeted and specialist interventions that will be ‘additional to’ and ‘different from’ the usual differentiated curriculum. Appendix A. Also see Pupil Premium report for full list of interventions.


Individual Plan (e.g. Pupil Passport): Our new format for IPs contains a 1 page profile and an action plan listing the goals and provision to meet the SEN. Example here: Appendix B


SEND Support Plan: A document containing a 1 page profile and a detailed action plan listing the goals and provision to meet the SEN. This is the same action plan that can be  used as part EHCP.

Example here: Appendix C


Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) : Where the school has done everything it can to identify, assess and meet the SEN of the child and they are still not making the expected progress, the school or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment. The process for requesting an EHCP assessment  in Islington can be found on the Council’s Local Offer website.


Education Health and Care Plans are issued by the Local Authority where necessary and are used by the school to plan SEN provision for children with severe and complex needs. The EHP includes:

  • a detailed profile of the child, their strengths and aspirations for the future
  • any education, health and care needs they have
  • the goals or outcomes for the pupil agreed by the family and professionals for the next phase of their education
  • any education, health and social care provision in place to meet their needs


The EHCP includes a detailed annual support plan/action plan.  This plan sets out the goals for the pupil for the next year, and the activities that everyone supporting the child will put in place to support them Example here: Appendix D


The following table shows the number of pupils with SEN in the school in September 2016 and the type of tools we use to plan SEN provision:


SEN   Planning Tool

Number of pupils
Provision Mapping 58   pupils
Individual Education Plan   (Pupil Passport) and SEND support plan 13   pupils
SEND Support Plan 5   pupils
Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP/ statement   of Special Educational Need 5   pupils

a)   How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for SEN?

The quality of teaching is the most important factor in ensuring all pupils make progress. We regularly review the quality of teaching in the school and ensure that teachers are able to identify how individual children learn best and what support they need.

We test the effectiveness of our SEN provision by checking pupil progress and to see if the agreed goals and outcomes for a pupil are being met. Where professionals from health or social services are involved with the child we will ask for their help to inform and review progress, to make sure that all those supporting the family are working together effectively..

The teachers work with the SENCO, the parents and the child to make sure any SEN support is adapted or replaced by another approach if it is not being effective.

The SENCO and the head teacher report regularly to Governors on the quality of SEN provision and the progress towards outcomes being made by pupils with SEN. Governors also consider the attainment data for pupils with SEN and compare it with the progress of other pupils and the progress of pupils in similar schools. This helps to ensure that the approaches used to meeting SEN are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress.


b)   What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEN?


Every pupil in the school has their progress reviewed regularly and this information will be shared with both parents and pupils. We provide an annual report to parents on their child’s progress, normally at the end of the school year.


Where a pupil is receiving SEN support, we provide feedback to parents more regularly. We contact parents by phone or in person where we have specific feedback or need to discuss specific achievements, concerns or observations. For children on Individual Education plans, Send support plans, Statements  and Education Health and Care plans we also have a review meeting at least three times each year. Some pupils with SEN may have more frequent reviews if they are required.


Reviews are usually led by a teacher with good knowledge and understanding of the pupil’s needs and attainment, usually the class teacher, supported where necessary by the SENCO.

Reviews involve the pupil, the family and other professionals where this is appropriate. They are used to:

  • discuss what is working well and not working well
  • find out if the SEN provision has been delivered as planned
  • review the pupil’s progress towards their goals and longer term outcomes
  • discuss and agree clear outcomes for the future
  • discuss and agree the support needed
  • share advice and information on the things that parents can do at home  to reinforce or contribute to their child’s progress
  • identify the actions needed to meet the agreed outcomes, the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil, the school, the local authority and other partners.


A record of the outcomes, action and support agreed through the discussion is then shared with all the appropriate school staff and the pupil’s parents. This is recorded on the Islington Annual Review form.


When the school has an Ofsted inspection the Inspectors take a particular interest in the progress of pupils with SEN. The school’s most recent OFSTED inspection can be found on the school’s website.


c)   What is the school’s approach to teaching pupils with SEN?

All pupils, including those with SEN, have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Teachers plan lessons carefully and think about the wide range of different needs in their class and use the information from assessments and progress reviews to set targets which are deliberately ambitious to encourage pupils to aim high. Teachers plan their lessons with the SEN of pupils in mind, which means that most pupils with SEN and disabilities will be able to study the full national curriculum along with their peers


Teaching staff always aim to match the work given to pupils with their ability to do it. School staff such as Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentors and other more specialist staff, may be directed to work with pupils , in pairs or small groups and sometimes individually.


The type of SEN support provided is based on reliable evidence of what works. We are careful to avoid the over reliance of individual support for pupils as evidence shows that in many cases this prevents them becoming independent learners.


The SENCO, supported by the Senior Leadership Team ensures that staff have sufficient skills and knowledge to deliver the interventions that pupils need.


d)   How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN?

We are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with SEN. We have a duty not to directly or indirectly discriminate against, harass or victimise disabled children and young people. We make all reasonable adaptations to the curriculum and the learning environment to make sure that pupils with SEN are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers.


We work closely with families and partners to work out what disabled children and young people might need before they start with us, and what adjustments we might need to be make.  We discuss with families what we can do to adapt the curriculum and/or  the building as necessary, and in order to getting additional resources and support.


Teachers will be supported by the SENCO to assess, plan and differentiate the curriculum or make adaptations to meet the needs of pupils with SEN. This may also involve working with outside partners. For example we might need to:

  • Provide visual resources to support learning
  • rearrange the layout of the classroom
  • create a quiet area in the school
  • buy specialist ICT software
  • identify appropriate ancillary aids and assistive technology, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and support the families application for funding to purchase the equipment.

In considering what adaptations we need to make the SENCO will work with the head teacher and school governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements. A link to the Equality Act 2010 can be found here:



e) What additional support for learning is available to pupils with SEN?

The school organises the additional support for learning into 3 different levels (also called waves).

Wave 1 (Universal): describes quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. This includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment. 

Wave 2 (Targeted): describes specific, additional and time-limited interventions provided for some children who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations. Wave 2 interventions are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs. 

Wave 3 (Specialist): describes targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential. This may include specialist interventions.


We provide additional support for pupils with SEND to be able to access exams, when needed.


We are able to support the administration of medication if it is recommended by health professionals.


f) What extra-curricular activities are available for pupils with SEN?


The school has a wide range of extra circular activities including:

  • A breakfast club each morning between 7.30am –  8.50am
  • Lunchtime clubs
  • After school clubs including homework club, sports, arts and music activities

The current list of activities for this term can be found in the main office.

We try to make sure that all pupils with SEN can engage in these activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN. Where it is agreed that taking part in these activities will contribute significantly to meeting the agreed outcomes for a pupil with SEN the school will normally be able to pay for any training, resources or equipment that may be needed.

The school also provides opportunities for pupils to go on school trips and we organise an annual residential trip for year 6. We will involve parents of pupils with SEN in the planning of school trips and residential to assess the benefits and risks and identify how the needs of individual pupils can be best met.

The school also provides access to childcare through a partnership with a local after school play centre that delivers term time after school and holiday time childcare. If there are barriers to children with SEN accessing this childcare, the school will work with the family, the provider and other partners to identify any appropriate actions and resources to address these barriers.


g) What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEN? 

The culture and structures within the school aim to encourage the emotional and social development for all pupils, including those with SEN.  

We work hard to create a culture within the school that values all pupils, allows them to feel a sense of belonging and makes it possible to talk about problems in a non-stigmatising way. We have clear policies on behaviour and bullying that set out the responsibilities of everyone in the school. We have clear systems and processes so that staff can identify and respond to mental health difficulties.

For children with more complex problems, additional in-school interventions may include:

  • advice and support to the pupil’s teacher – to help them manage the pupil’s behaviour within the classroom, taking into account the needs of the whole class
  • small group sessions – to promote positive behaviour, social development and self-esteem
  • individual action plans – to support pupils during transition periods, break times
  • additional support for the pupil – to help them cope better within the classroom
  • therapeutic work with the pupil, delivered by specialists within or beyond the school), which might take the form of cognitive behavioural therapy, behaviour modification or counselling approaches family support and/or therapy by health professionals – to help the child and their family better understand and manage behaviour.

For further information please see our behaviour management policy on the website.


4.    Who is the SEN Co-Ordinator and how do I contact them?

Our Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is a qualified teacher working at the school who has responsibility for SEN. They work closely with the head teacher and governing body as well as all teachers. If you have concerns about your child you should speak to your child’s teacher before you speak to the SENCO.

The SENCO is responsible for:

  • overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEN policy
  • coordinating provision for children with special educational needs
  • liaising with and advising fellow teachers
  • overcoming barriers to learning and sustaining effective teaching
  • managing teaching assistants
  • overseeing the records of all children with SEN and Disability
  • liaising with parents of children with SEN
  • planning successful movement (transition) to a new class group or school
  • providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that all staff are skilled and confident about meeting a range of needs
  • liaising with external agencies including the LA’s support and educational

psychology services, health and social services, and voluntary bodies 

Helen Bennett- Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO for short)

Phone: 0207 254 3092

You can request a meeting with the SENCO via the main office.

5.    What expertise and training do the school staff have in relation to SEN and how will specialist expertise be secured?

The school supports its staff to access a wide range of information on appropriate interventions for pupils with different types of need, and to access associated training to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and expertise. 

The responsibility for ensuring staff have the appropriate training and expertise to meet the needs of pupils with SEN training is shared between the Head teacher, SENCO and the Governing body. We closely monitor the training and development needs of our staff through annual appraisal.

The following tables show the training and expertise of the school staff.


General SEN training for all staff 

Details of training /   expertise

% of school staff   trained/school staff

SEN    reforms


How to support pupils with emotional needs   (Solihull training)


Paediatric First Aid


Communicate in Print training

50%   of teaching assistants, Cover Supervisors and HLTAs

Fierce training – managing challenging   conversations


Teaching Curriculum Vocabulary

70%   of teaching assistants

Introduction to autism


Autism in EYFS

75%   of EYFS staff

Positive Play training

100%   of MMS, Teaching Assistants and Learning Mentor



Precision teaching

100%   of teaching assistants



 Specific SEN training and expertise  

Details of training /   expertise

School staff

Accredited SENCO (National Award) Deputy Head-   Achievement and Inclusion
Leadership autism 1 Teacher and 1 HLTA
Working with Children with Speech, Language and Communication   issues 1 HLTA
Every Child a Talker 1 Class Teacher
Learning mentoring 1 Learning mentor
Screening for Dyslexia. 1 HLTA
Practical Solutions Plus – writing 1 HLTA
ADHD 1 Teacher and 1 TA


Specialist SEN Training (for specific children) 

Details of training/   expertise

School staff trained

Manual handling 6 Senior leaders1 Learning Mentor
Insulin pump (Medtronic Paradigm) training 1 Teacher1 Nursery Nurse1 Teaching Assistant
Training for Central Venous Cathetars 2 Teachers2 Nursery Nurses2 Teaching Assistants
Training for managing diabetes in school 1 Deputy Headteacher1 HLTA1 Teaching Assistant


Our staff also access training and materials provided through outreach services offered to mainstream schools by each of Islington’s special schools. SEN training and expertise will be sought when the needs of individual children require it, for example when there is a need to prepare for a child coming to the school. This can include:

  • Reading about the conditions
  • Visits to other schools to see good practice
  • Home visits
  • Training by the Complex Care Nursing Team

6.    What equipment and facilities are available to support pupils with SEN?

Newington Green Primary School has a flat site at pavement level with 2 playgrounds that are all at the same level and step free. The school buildings consist of a main two-storey block with a separate 1 storey block and three-storey tower block. Whilst nursery and reception, year 1 and year 2 classrooms are on the ground floor all other year groups are on the second floor. There are 3 separate flights of stairs to the second floor but no lifts. There is one disabled toilet on the ground floor and one on the first floor. There is one disabled parking space.

Equipment available in our school to all children at any time needed:

  •  Additional laptops for children with fine motor skills difficulties
  • Sensory equipment including  pencil grips, sensory toys, slope boards, sensory cushions
  • Devices for additional recording e.g. Cameras, video recorders, voice recorders
  • SEN software – Communication in Print to produce printed matter with visual prompts, specific maths and literacy computer programmes including Numbershark, Wordshark
  • Aids to help children with dyslexia e.g  coloured overlays, yellow books


The school will consider purchasing other equipment if there is an agreed identified need.  We will normally consider this at the pupil’s termly or annual review.

7.    What are the arrangements for consulting and involving parents of children with SEN in their child’s education? 

 All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education through:

  •  discussions with the class teacher
  • setting and reviewing targets
  • parents evenings
  • during discussions with Helen Bennett –  SENCO  or other professionals
  • commenting and contributing to assessment, planning and reviews


If your child has a SEN statement or an Education, Health and Care plan we will discuss their progress with you every term and have a formal review with you and your child at least annually. Further information about reviews can be found in question 3b above.


Specific support to help you support your child at home will include;


  • Meetings with teachers and SEN staff to  discuss progress and support including ideas for home.
  • Parents as Educators programmes e.g. maths workshops, Early years workshops on maths, Early writing, phonics and reading
  • Parenting programmes

If we think your child needs significant amounts of extra support we will always discuss this with you and, where appropriate, meetings with the parents and the people supporting your child can be arranged.

Where required we will arrange interpreters to enable parents to fully participate in formal meetings.


8.    What are the arrangements for consulting and involving pupils with SEN in their education? 

Engaging all pupils as active participants in their own education and in making a positive contribution to their school and local community is a priority for the school. All children are consulted about their learning on a regular basis.


Where pupils have SEN, we will take extra care to involve them and make sure their voice is heard. Their involvement will be tailored to each child and take into account their preferred methods of communication. This may include:


  • providing them with relevant information in accessible formats
  • using clear ordinary language and images rather than professional jargon
  • giving them time to prepare for discussions and meetings
  • dedicating time in discussions and meetings to hear their views
  • involving the pupil in all or part of the discussion itself, or gathering their views as part of the preparation
  • supporting their access to an adult who can help them express their views where necessary (this could be a family member or a professional)
  • ensuring staff are skilled in working with children, parents and young people to help them make informed decisions and have access to training so they can do this effectively


We ensure that pupils with SEN are included and represented in the groups and activities that we have set up to listen to the views of pupils and involve them in decision-making. These groups and activities include:

  • The School Council
  • Annual pupil survey
  • Class discussion charter


The views of the individual child and young person sit at the heart of the SEN assessment and planning process. We will make sure that assessments include the wishes and feelings of the child, their aspirations, the outcomes they wish to seek and the support they need to achieve them. Whenever possible we include pupils with SEN in planning how best to support them, and in reviewing their progress. This may include the use of questionnaires, story boards or symbols.


All pupils with SEN will have specific goals and outcomes and they will be part of the discussion to agree and review these. Where a personal budget is being used for those with an EHCP, the school will support the child’s involvement in decisions about their support.

9.    What are the arrangements for parents raising concerns and making a complaint about the SEN provision at the school?

We are committed to providing excellent services to all our children and their parents and we believe the best way to do this is to listen to your views. We encourage parents to contact us about their concerns and not to wait for the next formal opportunity to meet. So if you have something to tell us, whether good or bad, please contact the class teacher or Deputy Headteacher (SENCO)

If you have a complaint about SEN provision, please tell us promptly by contacting the following people in this order;

  • the class teacher
  • the Deputy Headteacher  (SENCO)
  • The Headteacher – using the main school number
  • The SEN governor (a letter can be submitted through school office)

The SEN governor will then refer to the complaints procedure to try and address the issue.

We realise that parents can sometimes find schools a bit scary and may need someone to help them approach us if things aren’t going well. If you need support to raise a concern or make a complaint this you may want to contact Centre 404’s Parent Carer Support Service, an independent organisation that provides a disagreement resolution service. You can contact them on 020 7316 1930, or by email to Lydia Hodges at

Further information on local support for families of pupils with SEN can be found in the Local Offer. See question 13 below.

10. How does the school involve others in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and in supporting the families of such pupils?

 Where a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidence-based support and interventions that are matched to the pupil’s area of need, we seek advice and support from specialists from outside agencies such as:

  • educational psychologists
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • specialist teachers
  • therapists (including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists)
  • Social workers

We always involve parents in any decision to involve specialists.

The SENCO is the person who usually coordinates the contact and works with these outside agencies. We mainly use other agencies outside of the school to:

  • help us train staff e.g. epilepsy and diabetes ,tube feeding,
  • get more specialised advice e.g. advice on hearing impairment
  • carry out assessments e.g. a social care assessment
  • ask for a service to be delivered e.g. physiotherapy
  • setting programmes for implementation at home and in school
  • review progress and plan provision e.g at annual reviews


The main agencies used by the school are shown in Appendix E.

We run an annual ‘Meet the Agencies’ event each Spring , in which we invite parents/carers to come and meet some of the different outside agencies with whom we work.


11. What local support is there for the parents of pupils with SEN?


Information about local support is located here:


The Family Information Service – 020 7527 5959

Gives free impartial information, advice and guidance about services for children, young people and families.




The Parent Carer Support Service, based at Centre 404 – 020 3316 1930

Offers a range of services to assist the parents/carers of children with SEND.  These include: help with resolving disagreements, information and advice, direct support, help with personal budgets and form filling, and access to social groups and other activities and local networks.


12. What are the school’s arrangements for supporting pupils with SEN when they join the school, and supporting them to move to secondary school / further education, training or employment/ adulthood and independent living?

All children and young people with SEND and their families may be particularly anxious about changing classes or “moving on” from school to school. We work with families and our partner organisations to make sure changes are planned and well managed.


Transition guide table:  


Additional   arrangements for children with SEN (examples)

In to nursery /   Reception 
  • Swift transfer of records
  • Home visit
  • Work with Islington’s Early Years Inclusion Team
  • Transition meeting with the previous setting
  • Transition plan drawn up with main carer and your child (could include managed visits, pictures or transition book or video, social stories about ‘moving on’)


When moving to another   school 
  • We will contact the School SENCO and share information about the special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals.
  • Swift transfer of records
  • Transition meeting with the new setting
  • Transition plan (as above)


When moving groups/   forms/ classes in school 
  • Transition meetings are held within school with the new class teacher.
  • Work with child to prepare for the next class through: Transition books, transition programme, visual supports and visits to the next setting. This will be shared with parents and transition books that can be taken home over the holidays.


–Primary to secondary   transition 
  • Swift transfer of records
  • Year 5 annual reviews planning meeting
  • During Year 6 the SENCO will attend the Secondary Transfer Conference to discuss the specific needs of your child, and the nature and level of support which has had the most impact, with the secondary school they will be transferring to
  • Additional multi-agency meetings will be arranged to create a more detailed “transition” plan which may include more visits to the new school and/or additional visits from the new school for the children where these changes are more complex



13. Where can I find more information about SEND services in Islington and the local area (the Local Offer)?

 All Local authorities must publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled.

The Local Offer has two key purposes:

  • to provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the available provision and how to access it
  • to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEN and their parents, and disabled young people and those with SEN, and service providers in its development and review

The school cooperates with the Local Authorities in the local area to: 

  • make families aware of the kind of support available to them and where to find the Local Offer
  • help people access the Local Offer information, especially where there are barriers to them accessing it.  This can include helping them to access the internet, printing off pages, explaining , interpreting and
  • consult children and young people and their families directly in preparing and reviewing the Local Offer
  • keeping the Local Offer information up to date and identifying gaps in provision

To find out more about the range of services on offer locally go to:

Islington Local Offer:

Newington Green Primary School, like all schools in Islington, is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEN).

Our expectation is that children and young people with SEN will receive an education that enables them to make progress so that they:

  • achieve their best
  • become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
  • make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training

We will use our best endeavours to make sure that a pupil with SEN gets the

support they need – this means doing everything we can to meet the pupils special educational needs.


About this Information Report

This report answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the school and special educational needs. The format and information in this report has been developed through:

  • consultation with local parents and carers by Islington Council in April 2014
  • ongoing feedback from parents and carers and school staff at Newington Green Primary School.

We will review and update this information report regularly to reflect changes and feedback. The date for the next annual review of this report is September 2017.

If you need any more information please see our SEN Policy or contact contact Helen Bennett (Deputy Headteacher – Achievement and Inclusion) on 0207 3543092


 Frequently Asked Questions


1.    What kinds of Special Educational Needs (SEN) does the school cater for?

Newington Green Primary School is a mainstream primary school and welcomes children and young people with SEN in one or more of the following areas:

  • Communication and interaction 

e.g. speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Asperger’s Syndrome

  • Cognition and learning

e.g. Specific learning difficulties (SpLD), moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD) global developmental delay, dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia,  profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)

  •  Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) 

e.g. attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), depression, eating disorders, attachment disorder

  • Sensory and/or physical needs 

e.g. vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) or Cerebral Palsy (CP) epilepsy {Note – the building is/is not fully accessible to pupils with mobility difficulties. See section 6}

  • Medical needs

Where pupils have medical needs and special educational needs, we will plan and deliver education provision in a co-ordinated way with their healthcare plan if they have one. We will also follow the statutory guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.


2.    What are the school’s policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with special educational needs (SEN)?

All of our teachers teach children with SEN. All of our staff recognise the importance of identifying SEN early and making effective provision quickly. The identification and assessment of SEN is built into the schools approach to monitoring the progress of all pupils.

We assess each pupil’s skills and levels of attainment when they first come to the school. This builds on the information from the child’s previous early years or school where appropriate, and  provides us with information we need to monitor their progress. It also ensures that we discover any areas of difficulty early on. Where children already have their SEN diagnosed or identified we will work closely with the family and our partners to make sure we know as much as possible about the child before they start at the school.

Teachers are supported by the Senior Leadership Team to regularly assess pupils’ progress. This helps us to see any pupils whose progress:

  • is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
  • fails to match or better their previous rate of progress
  • fails to close the attainment gap between them and their peers

Where assessments show that a child is not making adequate progress, our first response is to make sure there is high quality teaching in place.  Making high quality teaching normally available to the whole class is likely to mean that fewer pupils will require additional support.

If their progress continues to be slower than expected the teacher will work with the family and the SENCO to carry out a clear analysis of the child’s needs and identify if they need additional support. There can be many reasons why a child doesn’t make the progress expected of them – perhaps there has been a significant change in family circumstances such as a new baby, a move of home, or the death of a relative. Or perhaps because they have a special educational need.

The school uses a range of different assessment tools and systems to help identify and assess pupils with SEN. The tools and assessments gradually draw upon more frequent reviews and more specialist expertise to understanding SEN and match interventions to the SEN of pupils. They are summarised in the diagram below:


When considering if a child needs SEN support the school takes into account :

  •  the pupil’s previous progress and attainment
  • the teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil
  • the pupil’s development in comparison to their peers and national data
  • the views and experience of parents
  • the pupil’s own views
  • advice from external support services, where appropriate

Further information is set out in our SEN Policy.

3.    What are the school’s policies for making provision for pupils with special educational needs (SEN), whether or not pupils have Education Health and Care Plans?

Most of our pupils with SEN have their needs met as part of high quality teaching. This may include teachers adapting what they do and having different approaches to meet different learning styles, personalised learning arrangements for different pupils and a range of interventions normally provided by the school.

If a pupil is identified (through the assessment process above) as having special educational needs  their teacher and SENCO will consider everything we know about the pupil to determine the support that they need and whether it can be provided by adapting the school’s core offer or whether something different or additional is required.

Where provision for SEN is needed, we work with pupils and their families to plan what to do. This usually includes writing a plan of action using one of the SEN planning tools we have available to use. The tools we use are summarised below.

SEN Support


Provision Mapping: A document that is used to capture targeted and specialist interventions that will be ‘additional to’ and ‘different from’ the usual differentiated curriculum. Appendix A. Also see Pupil Premium report for full list of interventions.

Individual Plan (e.g. Pupil Passport): Our new format for IPs contains a 1 page profile and an action plan listing the goals and provision to meet the SEN. Example here: Appendix B

SEND Support Plan: A document containing a 1 page profile and a detailed action plan listing the goals and provision to meet the SEN. This is the same action plan that can be  used as part EHCP.

Example here: Appendix C

Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) : Where the school has done everything it can to identify, assess and meet the SEN of the child and they are still not making the expected progress, the school or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment. The process for requesting an EHCP assessment  in Islington can be found on the Council’s Local Offer website.

Education Health and Care Plans are issued by the Local Authority where necessary and are used by the school to plan SEN provision for children with severe and complex needs. The EHP includes:

  •  a detailed profile of the child, their strengths and aspirations for the future
  • any education, health and care needs they have
  • the goals or outcomes for the pupil agreed by the family and professionals for the next phase of their education
  • any education, health and social care provision in place to meet their needs


The EHCP includes a detailed annual support plan/action plan.  This plan sets out the goals for the pupil for the next year, and the activities that everyone supporting the child will put in place to support them Example here: Appendix D

The following table shows the number of pupils with SEN in the school in September 2016 and the type of tools we use to plan SEN provision:

SEN   Planning Tool

Number of pupils
Provision Mapping 58   pupils
Individual Education Plan   (Pupil Passport) and SEND support plan 13   pupils
SEND Support Plan 5   pupils
Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP/ statement   of Special Educational Need 5   pupils

a)   How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for SEN?

The quality of teaching is the most important factor in ensuring all pupils make progress. We regularly review the quality of teaching in the school and ensure that teachers are able to identify how individual children learn best and what support they need.


We test the effectiveness of our SEN provision by checking pupil progress and to see if the agreed goals and outcomes for a pupil are being met. Where professionals from health or social services are involved with the child we will ask for their help to inform and review progress, to make sure that all those supporting the family are working together effectively..

The teachers work with the SENCO, the parents and the child to make sure any SEN support is adapted or replaced by another approach if it is not being effective.

The SENCO and the head teacher report regularly to Governors on the quality of SEN provision and the progress towards outcomes being made by pupils with SEN. Governors also consider the attainment data for pupils with SEN and compare it with the progress of other pupils and the progress of pupils in similar schools. This helps to ensure that the approaches used to meeting SEN are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress.


b)   What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEN?

Every pupil in the school has their progress reviewed regularly and this information will be shared with both parents and pupils. We provide an annual report to parents on their child’s progress, normally at the end of the school year.

Where a pupil is receiving SEN support, we provide feedback to parents more regularly. We contact parents by phone or in person where we have specific feedback or need to discuss specific achievements, concerns or observations. For children on Individual Education plans, Send support plans, Statements  and Education Health and Care plans we also have a review meeting at least three times each year. Some pupils with SEN may have more frequent reviews if they are required.

Reviews are usually led by a teacher with good knowledge and understanding of the pupil’s needs and attainment, usually the class teacher, supported where necessary by the SENCO.

Reviews involve the pupil, the family and other professionals where this is appropriate. They are used to:

  • discuss what is working well and not working well
  • find out if the SEN provision has been delivered as planned
  • review the pupil’s progress towards their goals and longer term outcomes
  • discuss and agree clear outcomes for the future
  • discuss and agree the support needed
  • share advice and information on the things that parents can do at home  to reinforce or contribute to their child’s progress
  • identify the actions needed to meet the agreed outcomes, the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil, the school, the local authority and other partners.

A record of the outcomes, action and support agreed through the discussion is then shared with all the appropriate school staff and the pupil’s parents. This is recorded on the Islington Annual Review form.

When the school has an Ofsted inspection the Inspectors take a particular interest in the progress of pupils with SEN. The school’s most recent OFSTED inspection can be found on the school’s website.

c)   What is the school’s approach to teaching pupils with SEN?

All pupils, including those with SEN, have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Teachers plan lessons carefully and think about the wide range of different needs in their class and use the information from assessments and progress reviews to set targets which are deliberately ambitious to encourage pupils to aim high. Teachers plan their lessons with the SEN of pupils in mind, which means that most pupils with SEN and disabilities will be able to study the full national curriculum along with their peers

Teaching staff always aim to match the work given to pupils with their ability to do it. School staff such as Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentors and other more specialist staff, may be directed to work with pupils , in pairs or small groups and sometimes individually.

The type of SEN support provided is based on reliable evidence of what works. We are careful to avoid the over reliance of individual support for pupils as evidence shows that in many cases this prevents them becoming independent learners.

The SENCO, supported by the Senior Leadership Team ensures that staff have sufficient skills and knowledge to deliver the interventions that pupils need.

d)   How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN?

We are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with SEN. We have a duty not to directly or indirectly discriminate against, harass or victimise disabled children and young people. We make all reasonable adaptations to the curriculum and the learning environment to make sure that pupils with SEN are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers.

We work closely with families and partners to work out what disabled children and young people might need before they start with us, and what adjustments we might need to be make.  We discuss with families what we can do to adapt the curriculum and/or  the building as necessary, and in order to getting additional resources and support.

Teachers will be supported by the SENCO to assess, plan and differentiate the curriculum or make adaptations to meet the needs of pupils with SEN. This may also involve working with outside partners. For example we might need to:

  • Provide visual resources to support learning
  • rearrange the layout of the classroom
  • create a quiet area in the school
  • buy specialist ICT software
  • identify appropriate ancillary aids and assistive technology, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and support the families application for funding to purchase the equipment.

In considering what adaptations we need to make the SENCO will work with the head teacher and school governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements. A link to the Equality Act 2010 can be found here:

e) What additional support for learning is available to pupils with SEN?

The school organises the additional support for learning into 3 different levels (also called waves).

Wave 1 (Universal): describes quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. This includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment.

Wave 2 (Targeted): describes specific, additional and time-limited interventions provided for some children who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations. Wave 2 interventions are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs.

Wave 3 (Specialist): describes targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential. This may include specialist interventions.

We provide additional support for pupils with SEND to be able to access exams, when needed.

We are able to support the administration of medication if it is recommended by health professionals


f) What extra-curricular activities are available for pupils with SEN?

The school has a wide range of extra circular activities including:

  •  A breakfast club each morning between 7.30am – 8.50am
  • Lunchtime clubs
  • After school clubs including homework club, sports, arts and music activities

The current list of activities for this term can be found in the main office.

We try to make sure that all pupils with SEN can engage in these activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN. Where it is agreed that taking part in these activities will contribute significantly to meeting the agreed outcomes for a pupil with SEN the school will normally be able to pay for any training, resources or equipment that may be needed.

The school also provides opportunities for pupils to go on school trips and we organise an annual residential trip for year 6. We will involve parents of pupils with SEN in the planning of school trips and residential to assess the benefits and risks and identify how the needs of individual pupils can be best met.

The school also provides access to childcare through a partnership with a local after school play centre that delivers term time after school and holiday time childcare. If there are barriers to children with SEN accessing this childcare, the school will work with the family, the provider and other partners to identify any appropriate actions and resources to address these barriers.

g) What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEN?

The culture and structures within the school aim to encourage the emotional and social development for all pupils, including those with SEN.

We work hard to create a culture within the school that values all pupils, allows them to feel a sense of belonging and makes it possible to talk about problems in a non-stigmatising way. We have clear policies on behaviour and bullying that set out the responsibilities of everyone in the school. We have clear systems and processes so that staff can identify and respond to mental health difficulties.

For children with more complex problems, additional in-school interventions may include:

  • advice and support to the pupil’s teacher – to help them manage the pupil’s behaviour within the classroom, taking into account the needs of the whole class
  •  small group sessions – to promote positive behaviour, social development and self-esteem
  •  individual action plans – to support pupils during transition periods, break times
  • additional support  for the pupil – to help them cope better within the classroom
  • therapeutic work with the pupil, delivered by specialists (within or beyond the school), which might take the form of cognitive behavioural therapy, behaviour modification or counselling approaches family support and/or therapy by health professionals – to help the child and their family better  understand and manage behaviour.

For further information please see our behaviour management policy on the website.



4.    Who is the SEN Co-Ordinator and how do I contact them?

Our Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is a qualified teacher working at the school who has responsibility for SEN. They work closely with the head teacher and governing body as well as all teachers. If you have concerns about your child you should speak to your child’s teacher before you speak to the SENCO.


The SENCO is responsible for:

  • overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEN policy
  • coordinating provision for children with special educational needs
  • liaising with and advising fellow teachers
  • overcoming barriers to learning and sustaining effective teaching
  • managing teaching assistants
  • overseeing the records of all children with SEN and Disability
  • liaising with parents of children with SEN
  • planning successful movement (transition) to a new class group or school
  • providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that all staff are skilled and confident about meeting a range of needs
  • liaising with external agencies including the LA’s support and educational
  • psychology services, health and social services, and voluntary bodies


 Helen Bennett- Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO for short)

Phone: 0207 254 3092

You can request a meeting with the SENCO via the main office.


5.    What expertise and training do the school staff have in relation to SEN and how will specialist expertise be secured?

The school supports its staff to access a wide range of information on appropriate interventions for pupils with different types of need, and to access associated training to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and expertise.

The responsibility for ensuring staff have the appropriate training and expertise to meet the needs of pupils with SEN training is shared between the Head teacher, SENCO and the Governing body. We closely monitor the training and development needs of our staff through annual appraisal.


The following tables show the training and expertise of the school staff.

General SEN training for all staff

Details of training /   expertise

% of school staff   trained/school staff

SEN    reforms


How to support pupils with emotional needs   (Solihull training)


Paediatric First Aid


Communicate in Print training

50%   of teaching assistants, Cover Supervisors and HLTAs

Fierce training – managing challenging   conversations


Teaching Curriculum Vocabulary

70%   of teaching assistants

Introduction to autism


Autism in EYFS

75%   of EYFS staff

Positive Play training

100%   of MMS, Teaching Assistants and Learning Mentor



Precision teaching

100%   of teaching assistants


 Specific SEN training and expertise 


Details of training /   expertise

School staff

Accredited SENCO (National Award) Deputy Head-   Achievement and Inclusion
Leadership autism 1 Teacher and 1 HLTA
Working with Children with Speech, Language and Communication   issues 1 HLTA
Every Child a Talker 1 Class Teacher
Learning mentoring 1 Learning mentor
Screening for Dyslexia. 1 HLTA
Practical Solutions Plus – writing 1 HLTA
ADHD 1 Teacher and 1 TA


 Specialist SEN Training (for specific children) 


Details of training/   expertise

School staff trained

Manual handling 6 Senior leaders1 Learning Mentor
Insulin pump (Medtronic Paradigm) training 1 Teacher1 Nursery Nurse1 Teaching Assistant
Training for Central Venous Cathetars 2 Teachers2 Nursery Nurses2 Teaching Assistants
Training for managing diabetes in school 1 Deputy Headteacher1 HLTA1 Teaching Assistant


Our staff also access training and materials provided through outreach services offered to mainstream schools by each of Islington’s special schools. SEN training and expertise will be sought when the needs of individual children require it, for example when there is a need to prepare for a child coming to the school. This can include:

  • Reading about the conditions
  • Visits to other schools to see good practice
  • Home visits
  • Training by the Complex Care Nursing Team

6.    What equipment and facilities are available to support pupils with SEN?

Newington Green Primary School has a flat site at pavement level with 2 playgrounds that are all at the same level and step free. The school buildings consist of a main two-storey block with a separate 1 storey block and three-storey tower block. Whilst nursery and reception, year 1 and year 2 classrooms are on the ground floor all other year groups are on the second floor. There are 3 separate flights of stairs to the second floor but no lifts. There is one disabled toilet on the ground floor and one on the first floor. There is one disabled parking space.

Equipment available in our school to all children at any time needed:

  • Additional laptops for children with fine motor skills difficulties
  • Sensory equipment including  pencil grips, sensory toys, slope boards, sensory cushions
  • Devices for additional recording e.g. Cameras, video recorders, voice recorders
  • SEN software – Communication in Print to produce printed matter with visual prompts, specific maths and literacy computer programmes including Numbershark, Wordshark
  • Aids to help children with dyslexia e.g coloured overlays, yellow books


The school will consider purchasing other equipment if there is an agreed identified need.  We will normally consider this at the pupil’s termly or annual review.

7.    What are the arrangements for consulting and involving parents of children with SEN in their child’s education?  

All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education through:

  • discussions with the class teacher
  • setting and reviewing targets
  • parents evenings
  • during discussions with Helen Bennett –  SENCO  or other professionals
  • commenting and contributing to assessment, planning and reviews

If your child has a SEN statement or an Education, Health and Care plan we will discuss their progress with you every term and have a formal review with you and your child at least annually. Further information about reviews can be found in question 3b above.

Specific support to help you support your child at home will include;

  • Meetings with teachers and SEN staff to discuss progress and support including ideas for home.
  • Parents as Educators programmes e.g. maths workshops, Early years workshops on maths, Early writing, phonics and reading
  • Parenting programmes

If we think your child needs significant amounts of extra support we will always discuss this with you and, where appropriate, meetings with the parents and the people supporting your child can be arranged.

Where required we will arrange interpreters to enable parents to fully participate in formal meetings.


8.    What are the arrangements for consulting and involving pupils with SEN in their education?

Engaging all pupils as active participants in their own education and in making a positive contribution to their school and local community is a priority for the school. All children are consulted about their learning on a regular basis.

Where pupils have SEN, we will take extra care to involve them and make sure their voice is heard. Their involvement will be tailored to each child and take into account their preferred methods of communication. This may include:

  • providing them with relevant information in accessible formats
  • using clear ordinary language and images rather than professional jargon
  • giving them time to prepare for discussions and meetings
  • dedicating time in discussions and meetings to hear their views
  • involving the pupil in all or part of the discussion itself, or gathering their views as part of the preparation
  • supporting their access to an adult who can help them express their views where necessary (this could be a family member or a professional)
  • ensuring staff are skilled in working with children, parents and young people to help them make informed decisions and have access to training so they can do this effectively

We ensure that pupils with SEN are included and represented in the groups and activities that we have set up to listen to the views of pupils and involve them in decision-making. These groups and activities include:

  • The School Council
  • Annual pupil survey
  • Class discussion charter

The views of the individual child and young person sit at the heart of the SEN assessment and planning process. We will make sure that assessments include the wishes and feelings of the child, their aspirations, the outcomes they wish to seek and the support they need to achieve them. Whenever possible we include pupils with SEN in planning how best to support them, and in reviewing their progress. This may include the use of questionnaires, story boards or symbols.

All pupils with SEN will have specific goals and outcomes and they will be part of the discussion to agree and review these. Where a personal budget is being used for those with an EHCP, the school will support the child’s involvement in decisions about their support.


9.    What are the arrangements for parents raising concerns and making a complaint about the SEN provision at the school?

We are committed to providing excellent services to all our children and their parents and we believe the best way to do this is to listen to your views. We encourage parents to contact us about their concerns and not to wait for the next formal opportunity to meet. So if you have something to tell us, whether good or bad, please contact the class teacher or Deputy Headteacher (SENCO)

If you have a complaint about SEN provision, please tell us promptly by contacting the following people in this order;

  • the class teacher
  • the Deputy Headteacher  (SENCO)
  • The Headteacher – using the main school number
  • The SEN governor (a letter can be submitted through school office)

The SEN governor will then refer to the complaints procedure to try and address the issue.

We realise that parents can sometimes find schools a bit scary and may need someone to help them approach us if things aren’t going well. If you need support to raise a concern or make a complaint this you may want to contact Centre 404’s Parent Carer Support Service, an independent organisation that provides a disagreement resolution service. You can contact them on 020 7316 1930, or by email to Lydia Hodges at

Further information on local support for families of pupils with SEN can be found in the Local Offer. See question 13 below.


10. How does the school involve others in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and in supporting the families of such pupils?

Where a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidence-based support and interventions that are matched to the pupil’s area of need, we seek advice and support from specialists from outside agencies such as:

  •  educational psychologists
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • specialist teachers
  • therapists (including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists)
  • Social workers

We always involve parents in any decision to involve specialists.

The SENCO is the person who usually coordinates the contact and works with these outside agencies. We mainly use other agencies outside of the school to:

  •  help us train staff e.g. epilepsy and diabetes ,tube feeding,
  • get more specialised advice e.g. advice on hearing impairment
  • carry out assessments e.g. a social care assessment
  • ask for a service to be delivered e.g. physiotherapy
  • setting programmes for implementation at home and in school
  • review progress and plan provision e.g at annual reviews


The main agencies used by the school are shown in Appendix E.

We run an annual ‘Meet the Agencies’ event each Spring , in which we invite parents/carers to come and meet some of the different outside agencies with whom we work.

11. What local support is there for the parents of pupils with SEN?

Information about local support is located here: 


The Family Information Service – 020 7527 5959

Gives free impartial information, advice and guidance about services for children, young people and families.






The Parent Carer Support Service, based at Centre 404 – 020 3316 1930


Offers a range of services to assist the parents/carers of children with SEND.  These include: help with resolving disagreements, information and advice, direct support, help with personal budgets and form filling, and access to social groups and other activities and local networks.



12. What are the school’s arrangements for supporting pupils with SEN when they join the school, and supporting them to move to secondary school / further education, training or employment/ adulthood and independent living?

All children and young people with SEND and their families may be particularly anxious about changing classes or “moving on” from school to school. We work with families and our partner organisations to make sure changes are planned and well managed.


Transition guide table: 


Additional   arrangements for children with SEN (examples)

In to nursery /   Reception 
  • Swift transfer of records
  • Home visit
  • Work with Islington’s Early Years Inclusion Team
  • Transition meeting with the previous setting
  • Transition plan drawn up with main carer and  your child (could include managed visits, pictures or transition book or video, social stories about ‘moving on’)


When moving to another   school 
  • We will contact the School SENCO and share information about the special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals.
  • Swift transfer of records
  • Transition meeting with the new setting
  • Transition plan (as above)


When moving groups/   forms/ classes in school 
  • Transition meetings are held within school with the new class teacher.
  • Work with child to prepare for the next class through: Transition books, transition programme, visual supports and visits to the next setting. This will be shared with parents and transition books that can be taken home over the holidays.


–Primary to secondary   transition 
  • Swift transfer of records
  • Year 5 annual reviews planning meeting
  • During Year 6 the SENCO will attend the Secondary Transfer Conference to discuss the specific needs of your child, and the nature and level of support which has had the most impact, with the secondary school they will be transferring to
  • Additional multi-agency meetings will be arranged to create a more detailed “transition” plan which may include more visits to the new school and/or additional visits from the new school for the children where these changes are more complex



 13. Where can I find more information about SEND services in Islington and the local area (the Local Offer)?

All Local authorities must publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled.

The Local Offer has two key purposes:

  • to provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the available provision and how to access it
  • to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEN and their parents, and disabled young people and those with SEN, and service providers in its development and review

The school cooperates with the Local Authorities in the local area to:

  • make families aware of the kind of support  available to them and where to find the Local Offer
  • help people access the Local Offer  information, especially where there are barriers to them accessing it. This can include helping them to access the internet, printing off pages, explaining , interpreting and
  • consult children and young people and their  families directly in preparing and reviewing the Local Offer
  • keeping the Local Offer information up to date  and identifying gaps in provision


To find out more about the range of services on offer locally go to:




Islington Local Offer:


Appendix 1

Provision at Newington Green Primary School for pupils with additional and special needs.


Whole School Approach

for all our pupils


Targeted support for individuals or   small groups

(according to need)

Short/medium term

Specialised individual support

(according to need)

Medium/long term

Learning   and curriculum approaches
  •   Quality First teaching for all
  •   Schemes of work and policies to meet   the needs of all learners.
  •   Learning targets for core subjects   for every pupil
  •   Consistent expectations, routines and   systems across the school
  •   On- going assessment of individual   pupil’s progress and attainment
  •   Pupil progress meetings once a term,   attended by Class teacher and Senior leaders
  •    Differentiated teaching appropriate to   individual pupil needs and abilities.
  •   Parents evenings each term to discuss   their child’s progress
  •   Small group work with teachers, and   Learning assistants.
  •   Individual learning targets for small   groups reviewed termly.
  •   ‘Bespoke’ meetings with parents   regarding specific issues.
  •   Additional visual displays, table top   resources and Help boxes supplied in class to support learning and   independence
  •   Individual behaviour systems and   rewards
  •   Individualised support from   specialist teacher, learning  support   assistant and other professionals
  •   Individualised learning programme and   learning day to meet holistic needs
  •   Pupil passports and individual plans   reviewed and updated termly
  •   Classroom adaptations
  •   Regular contact with parents
  •   Multi-agency meetings (Team around   the Child, Team around the Family, or Team Around the School) to review areas   of difficulty and levels of support
  •   Home visits for all pupils starting   Nursery
  •   Teaching assistant support in each   class
  •   Support provided to meet personal and   social needs.
  •   Breakfast club, five days a week.
  •   After school clubs.
  •   Support/guidance from the school’s   Educational Psychologist
  •   Programmes and group sessions
    developed and monitored by the Speech and Language link therapist
  •   Support from our Learning Mentor.
  •   Support to access external   organisations and services
  •   Individualised support according to   needs
  •   Advisory teacher visits for advice on   targets/resources
  •   Additional advice from medical   services, autism assessment teams health care teams etc.
  •   Specific therapy programmes delivered   directly by either SLCN/Occupational/physio therapist, or integrated into   classroom


Appendix  B




What people like and admire about me…

  •     I am really good at using the computer independently


  •     I have lots and lots of energy


  •     I am very curious and like learning


  •     I am very trusting


  •     I am affectionate




Pupil Passport for Brian Smith


How best to support me…

  •     Help     me to be more independent and don’t do everything for me, even if it takes     longer
  •     Give     me clear instructions whilst looking directly at me
  •     Praise     and encouragement when I do well
  •     Adult     support to move from one activity to another and interact with other     children and adult

I communicate by…

  •     I can talk and make decisions     for myself.
  •     When I am unhappy I may run     off and hide in a safe place I know.
  •     When I am scared and     distressed I may bite my arm or hit myself in the head.


What’s important to me

To have     time alone at school and at home to do my own things

Routine     and to know what is going to happen

To have     time to prepare for new situations

Being     outdoors in nature

Plenty     of physical activity – running, climbing, riding my bike to help burn off     my energy

Having     a healthy diet




Likes and dislikes…

  •     Helping     to sweep and tidy up
  •     Jimmy     – my family dog
  •     I     like Crusty Monsters  computer game
  •     Spongebob     Squarepants  and transformers     cartoons on TV
  •     To     eat sweets and crisps even though I shouldn’t because of my allergies


I dislike:     loud music, windy weather, lorries, perfume and other strong smells





















Date……………                              Brian’s Pupil Passport for Summer Term 2014

My goals for   the year My goals for   this term How you can   help me achieve this How did I do?
I will be able to use all past tenses when I am speaking. I will be able to use the regular past tense when I am speaking. All adults to model correct language
I will be able to dress myself, eat lunch by myself and come   upstairs and into class by myself in the morning. I will eat my lunch without adult support. Picture prompts help me to remember what to do
I will join in shared activities my friends. I will play board games with my friends. I will use board games that I already know
I will start all my writing using a prompt. I will write my news by myself. I will bring in something from the weekend to remind me of what I   did and I will talk about it before I write.





Structured   language activity using picture prompts. 4 x 30 mins   per week Speech   Therapist 4×30 mins + follow up sessions with TA
Eat lunch   with picture prompts and follow the routine with the TA checking at the   beginning, middle and end of lunchtime. Every   lunchtime TA
Play a board   game with friends Assembly time   once a week TA
Use of news   prompts with key question words and word bank. Every Monday   morning Class teacher


Date for review…………………
















Appendix  C

SEND Support Plan for: Persons name                                                

Medium term goal:

Short term goal (for   the next 3-12 months):How will we measure this?When will   we measure this?Who will measure this?



WhatWhenWhoWhat   is needed?Where  from?               Medium term goal:


Short term goal (for   the next 3-12 months):

How will we measure this?When will   we measure this?Who will measure this?



WhatWhenWhoWhat   is needed?Where  from?





Medium term goal:

Short term goal (for   the next 3-12 months):

How will we measure this?When will   we measure this?Who will measure this?



WhatWhenWhoWhat   is needed?Where  from?



Medium term goal:

Short term goal (for   the next 3-12 months):

How will we measure this?When will   we measure this?Who will measure this?



WhatWhenWhoWhat   is needed?Where  from?



Important Contacts

Name Why they are important Phone Email


Important Documents

Document name Date Where it can be found


Actions to make this plan happen and review the goals

Action Who will do it When will they do it


    ________’s Plan


Education Health and Care Plan


(Having     your picture on

the     front of your plan

is     optional.

You     could also choose a picture of something that interests you).








This plan has been put together to help me to progress towards the things that are important to me now and for my long term future.


The information in this plan is confidential but I am happy for all or parts of the plan to be shared with the people that need to know the information to help me. The exceptions to this are:

  • SECTION ??? – please ask my permission before sharing this part of the plan.



Date plan   ends The end of the phase of education


SECTION A Pupil Profile

First name  

 Surname Date of Birth Gender My address 





 Tel Mobile Email Ethnicity Home Language 


Parent / Carer / Guardian (1)
First name   Surname  

(if different from above) 





 Tel Mobile Email 


Parent / Carer / Guardian (2)
First name   Surname  

(if different from above) 


 Tel Mobile Email 


The following pupil profile sets out the views of …………..(person’s name) and ………….(parent/carer/ guardian). Where the views are specifically those of the person they are shown in “quotation marks”.





My name is

A current photo of the person



What’s important to me…


  •     A bullet point list of what really     matters to the person – from their perspective where possible even if     others disagree
  •     Aspirations, dreams or plans for the     future
  •     Important routines



  •     A bullet point list of what the     person likes
  •     Favourite foods, toys, TV programmes
  •     Activities and when they do them
  •     People they admire
  •     Sports teams


  •     A bullet point list of what the     person does not like from their perspective



What people like and admire about me…

  •     A bullet point list of the positive     qualities, strengths and talents
  •     A child may find it difficult to     identify these things. Use feedback from previous assessments,or ask a     range of people that know the child well including  family, friends, staff working with the     person


How best to support me…

A list of how to support the person

What is helpful and what is not

What people need to know and what     people need to do


Some of the information for Part A Pupil Profile     will already be in the eCAF. This should be used to complete a draft of the     profile before you meet the person and their family.


Tips on writing one page profiles can be found     at:


The one page profile must fit onto     one page. It should be a brief summary of the other pages in the pupil     profile. The size of the boxes and the size of the text can be changed to     make text fit.






























How I communicate and make decisions

How I communicate

  •     A summary     or list describing the persons ability to communicate with others.
  •     The     person’s preferred method of communication, their ability to hear, follow     instructions and make their needs and wishes known to others.
  •     You may     want to use headings such as:
  •     When I am     happy I….
  •     When I am     upset or in pain I…..
  •     Whren I am     angry or upset I ……




What you can do to support me to     communicate and make decisions

  •     A list of how to support the person     to communicate and make decisons
  •     What is helpful and what is not
  •     What people need to know and what     people need to do
  •     The areas that the person is able to     make a decision about for themselves
  •     The areas where decisions need to be     made by other people































People important to me





My story so far


My history


  • A summary of the person’s story from the child and family’s perspective
  • Written as bullet points or short paragraphs
  • Helps to prevent the family having to repeat their story
  • Can include:

the birth story

where the person has lived

significant events

education history

health history



Who is in my family


  • A summary of the person’s relationships with their family
  • This should provide more details about those shown in the family      section of the previous page.
  • It can include how often the person sees different members of their      family, how they feel about that person, what that person does with them.





What I am good at and my achievements



Further information about the person that builds upon their one page profile.

This page of the profile can be porganised in other ways or use other headings as long as the text covers the same information.














My dreams and aspirations for the future



The     persons own dreams and aspirations. May relate to

play, health, education,     independence, friendships, relationships, further education and future     plans including employment,  independent living (where practical).

















The     familys aspirations and dreams for the person. This may use the same areas     listed above.




SECTION B  Special Educational Needs



Summary of strengths and difficulties

for the person and the family

The impact of these difficulties and the

implications for teaching and learning

 This   is a summary of the areas of strength and difficulty identified related to   their needs for education identified by education, health or social care   formal assessments. They   can be grouped together under the fllowing headings:  

  •   Cognition   and learning


  •   Communication   and interaction


  •   Behaviour,   emotional and social development


  •   Sensory,   physical and or medical









 This   section is a summary of how the person’s areas of difficulty impact on their   education. This can include their impact on both the person and the family.  



SECTION C Health Needs

Summary of strengths and difficulties

for the child / young person and the family

The impact of these difficulties

 on the child / young   person and the family

 This   is a summary of the areas of difficulty identified through the EHC needs   assessment which relate to the person’s SEN. Health care needs, such as   routine dental health needs, are unlikely to be related.    The   Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) may also choose to specify other health   care needs which are not related to the child or young person’s SEN (e.g. a   long term condition which might need management in a special educational   setting).    This   section is a summary of how the areas of difficulty impact on their   education. This can include their impact on both the child and the family.     



SECTION D  Social Care Needs

Summary of strengths and difficulties

for the person and the family

The impact of these difficulties

 on the person and the   family

 A   summary of any social care needs identified through the EHC needs assessment   which relate to the person’s SEN or which require provision for a child or   young person under 18 under section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled   Persons Act 1970.  The local   authority may also choose to specify other social care needs which are not   linked to the person’s SEN. This could include reference to any child in need   or child protection plan.    This   section is a summary of how the areas of difficulty impact on their   education. This can include their impact on both the child and the family.  




SECTION E  Goals and Outcomes


Agreed   Priority Goals   / outcomes for education, healthjand care (medium term goals)
  The   goals to be achieved by the end of the next phase of education.They   can include goals related to education, health, social care or any aspect of   the persons life.
  They should relect what really matters to the person.
  They   should be listed in priority order – from   their perspective (where possible) even if others disagree
  The   goals will be used to help write SMART short term goals on the EHCP Support   Plan in Appendix A.


These goals/ outcomes will be used to write my EHCP Support Plan (Appendix A).  for the next phase of my education.

The EHCP Support plan contains: short term goals; how progress and success will be measured; by whom and when, resources neded and who provides them; the arrangements for implementing the support plan; details of any personal budget used to help deliver the plan; a risk assessment.

The progress towards these medium and short term outcomes/ goals will be reviewed at least annually and will be used to monitor and review the progress towards my future goals, plans and aspirations.









SECTION F Special Education Needs Provision


Support available to me in addition to the local offer

Where the resources are coming from

 Special   educational needs may include those requiring health and social care   provision where such provision is for the person’s education or training.  Decisions   about whether health care provision or social care provision should be   treated as special educational provision must be made on an individual   basis.  Speech   and language therapy and other therapy provision can be regarded as either   education or health care provision, or both. It could therefore be included   in an EHC plan as either educational or health provision.  However,   since communication is so fundamental in education, addressing speech and   language impairment should normally be recorded as special educational   provision unless there are exceptional reasons for not doing so.



SECTION G Health Needs Provision


Support available to me in addition to the local offer


Where the resources are coming from





SECTION H1 Social Care Needs Provision


Support available to me in addition to the local offer

Where the resources are coming from


SECTION H2 Social Care Needs Provision


Support available to me in addition to the local offer

Where the resources are coming from


SECTION I Provision


Name of provision: Nursery / School / College/ Training Provider




Type of provision: Maintained nursery school, maintained school, academy, free school (mainstream or special) non-maintained special school, further education or sixth form college, independent school or independent specialist college.


The institution named is: (delete as appropriate)

  • under the duty      to admit the child/ young person in clause 43 of the Children and Families      Bill 2014.
  • admitting the      child/ young person on a voluntary basis.







SECTION J Personal Budget

Area Resources   available as a personal budget Conditions   for use e.g.   (the period of time it covers and how flexible it is) Related   goals / outcomes  
School     From Section E
Education   – Local Authority      
Health   – CCG      
Social   Care – Local Authority      


Where a personal budget is being used to purchase provision, more details will be written  in the EHCP Support Plan (Appendix A) including:

  • the actual amount being taken as a      personal budget
  • a description of the provision that      will be purchased
  • the cost of provision
  • the arrangements for any direct      payments
  • any other arrangements for paying or      managing the budget

SECTION K  Information and Advice

The following reports, evidence and advice were taken into account when writing this EHCP and are available as appendices to this plan.


Type of advice

Provided  by




SECTION L Agreement

  Name Signature Date
Person   (or their representative)
Parent /   Guardian
Education   – Local Authority
Health –   CCG
Social   Care – Local Authority


SECTION M Legal Status of this EHCP


The following parts of this plan can be updated with the by the consent of the person, parent and the Team Around the Child.

  • Section A – Contact Details and Profile
  • Appendix A EHCP Support Plan (short term goals; how progress and success will be      measured; by whom and when, resources neded and who provides them; the      arrangements for implementing the support plan; details of any personal      budget used to help deliver the plan; a risk assessment.)

All other parts of the plan can only be changed with consent of the Local Authority.





















 Appendix E

 External organisations that work with the school



Areas of expertise/   training

Early Years Inclusion Team The   Early Years Inclusion Team (EYIT) offers support and advice for children with   special needs in under-fives settings. They work with parents, carers, staff,   and other professionals in education and health. They aim to support progress   and support settings so that all children can access the Foundation Stage   curriculum to their full potential.
Richard Cloudesley Outreach Service The service provides   advice to schools and settings to ensure children and young people with   sensory difficulties achieve outcomes in line with their peers and become independent   learners.
The Bridge School Outreach Service The team work with   Islington primary and secondary mainstream schools to support staff to   develop inclusive practice for pupils with autism and severe and profound   learning difficulties.
Samuel Rhodes School Outreach The Outreach Team support   students with moderate learning difficulties to promote effective inclusion.   They offer support to children who are failing to achieve or are having   difficulty adjusting to the demands of mainstream school.
Educational Psychology Service This service uses   psychology to promotethe well-being and   educational success ofchildren and young   people through directinterventions and by   empowering otherprofessionals, parents   and carers.
CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health   Service) Islington CAMHS aims   to provide a service to help children, young people (aged 0-18) and families   with behavioural, emotional and mental health difficulties.
Speech and Language Therapy The speech and language therapist provides assessment and activities   or advice for children who have:• Speech and language delay• Speech and language impairments• Difficulties with eating and or drinking or in changing from one   type of food to another• A delay in communication due to a physical disability• A particular syndrome or condition where speech and language is   likely to be delayed.
Physiotherapy The physiotherapist provides assessment and activities or advice for   children who:• Are developing physically very slowly• Whose physical development needs to be monitored because there is a   risk of problems in the future, for example complications due to extreme   prematurity or cerebral palsy• Who have problems with their joint range of movement or the tension in   their muscles when moving• Who need specialist equipment for their mobility
Occupational Therapy The occupational therapist work with a range of children with   physical, sensory and learning difficulties and disabilities that effect different   areas of the child’s and family’s life and education.
Behaviour Support Service Support schools to develop   their capacity to support pupils with social, emotional and behavioural   needs.
Families First Families First   supports families with school-aged children up to 19 years old in Islington.  They offer support with housing, routines,   family relationships, debt management, and behaviour.
Hackney Family Support Service Hackney Family Support   works with families with in Hackney. They offer support with housing,   routines, family relationships, debt management, and behaviour.
More Life MoreLife run Family   Clubs, Teen Clubs, Holiday Clubs and Specialist Weight Management Services   for children and young people in Islington.
Social Services The Children’s Social   Care service is responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of   children in need and children in care.


Reviewed: September 2016